Plasmonic Nanomaterials can trap weak photons at nanoscale confinement and build up a million-fold strong photon density. It suffices for the widespread applications of plasmonics in energy-efficient photoconversion processes. However, our recent study shows that sometimes multiple plasmonic excitations become instrumental for the overall damping of the energy conversion process, mainly as we see in Ag/Au-g-C3N4. The overall photocatalytic activity of Ag/Au-g-C3N4 is quenched under a UV-visible and green laser. Multiple plasmonic processes, viz., plasmon-induced resonance energy transfer (PIRET), near-field effect, and hot electron transfer are counteracting, resulting in a reduced photocatalysis. This work is conducted by Dr. Biswajit Choudhury and his team in the Materials and Energy Laboratory of IASST. Recently, it gets an entry for publication in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental ( having an Impact Factor of 19.5.