IASST employees, barring a few exceptions, are bound by CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which prescribe certain dos and don’ts to be observed by the employees. The Conduct Rules while recognizing the rights and privileges of the employee lay down the conduct requirements of a civil servant for an impartial and faithful discharge of his duties and responsibilities.
The Conduct Rules apply to every civil employee (including a civilian in Defence Service and employees of non-statutory departmental canteen/tiffin rooms) except employees of Railways/Railways Board/Financial Commissioner of Railways employees of All India Services, and employees of public corporations, undertakings and autonomous bodies financed by Government, who are also governed by similar conduct rules framed by the concerned organizations/services.
2.Joining foreign language classes conducted by Indo-Foreign cultural organizations.
3.Making any transaction of acquisition/disposal of any property with a person having official dealings.
4.Acquiring or disposing an immovable property in the name of the employee or any member of his family, prior intimation to the Government is needed. If the transaction is with a person having official dealing with the employee prior sanction is needed. Acquisition/disposing of any immovable property through Power of Attorney or lease are also covered.
5.Accepting gifts otherwise than on ceremonial occasions or retirement, of value more than Rs. 1500 in case of Group A & B employees and more than Rs 500 in case of Group C & D employees. If permission is not received within 30 days, if shall deemed to have been granted.
6.Joining Book clubs run by foreign agencies.
7.Receiving any complimentary/valedictory address, or accepting testimonials or attending meeting in the employees own/anyone elses honour except in case of farewell on transfer/retirement of an employee or simple/inexpensive entertainments by public bodies/institutions. Receiving awards from private bodies/institutions (without monetary component) rewarding the merit of an officer, for work done outside the purview/function of Govt. Permission for receiving international awards from foreign Govt. organizations, international official bodies and academic institutions/universities, shall be allowed by the administrative Ministry/Department concerned in consultation with the Min. of External Affairs, provided the employee does not strive to seek publicity/international recognition for securing such awards and other conditions.
8.Accepting remuneration for services to cooperatives, prior permission is needed.
9.Participation in competitions/social events organized by private agencies, the primary objective of which is to promote their business activities or their products.
10.For construction of house specific permission under Conduct Rules as distinct from sanction of House Building Advance, is required. Completion report should also be made after the construction of the house.
11.For carrying out repairs of accommodation, exceeding Rs. 10,000.
12.For sale of car/ scooter purchased with loan from Government.
13.Accepting any fee for any work done by the employee for any private or public body or any private person. 14.Accepting part-time lectureship.
15.Permission for part time employment after office hours is ordinarily not allowed except in rare cases.
16.Owning (wholly or in part), conducting or participating in editing/managing any newspaper /periodicals/electronic media except as part of official duty. The permission shall be granted within 30 days from the date of receipt of request. If no communication is received within 30 days, the permission shall be deemed to have been granted. The employee shall clearly state that the views expressed in the book etc are his own and not of the Government.
17.For contesting/canvassing in election for sports bodies.
18.For contesting/holding an elective office in a co-operative society, provided the bye-laws of society provide for eligibility of candidates, tenure, number of terms etc.
19.For making any transaction in any property outside India or with any foreigner/foreign bank/ Government.
20.For visits abroad (before leaving) information in the prescribed format should be provided.
21.For going to court/press for vindicating any official act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism, prior permission is necessary. Sanction is presumed after 3 months of the request if no communication is received. Vindication of his private character/act done by him in his private capacity is permitted but a report must be submitted of the action taken.
22.In case of allegations against an employee in Press/Media, preliminary enquiry must be done by the Department. If preliminary enquiry indicates that action in Court is needed to vindicate the conduct of the employee, it should be considered whether Government would initiate action in Court or require the employee to take such action. If Government requires the employee to take recourse to court, Govt. will give financial assistance. If the preliminary enquiry raises reasonable doubt on the propriety and correctness of the conduct of the employee, Government would initiate appropriate action against the employee. If the employee on his own desires to institute proceedings in a court to vindicate his character or conduct.
1.He must have the prior permission of the Government,
2.Expenses of the employee will not be reimbursed,
3.Employee can get advances for litigation as per rules.
(a) Prior permission is necessary for any dependent of a Group A employee to take any job in a firm/company having official dealing with the employee. If there is urgency for the dependent to join the job, the fact may be reported and job accepted provisionally subject to permission of the Govt.
(b) If a family member of any Govt. employee takes a job in any company or firm, the employee shall intimate the same to the prescribed authority and that whether he has or had any official dealings with that company/firm.
(c) Prior permission/intimation is needed for acceptance of employment in foreign mission and related agencies, international organizations and foreign mission and related agencies, international organizations and foreign commercial firms in India by any family member. 24. For commercial employment within one year after retirement prior permission must be obtained.