Dr. Ananya Barman, Post-doctoral fellow, IASST awarded the 2nd Position under the first call of BRTC Mapping the Change makers of North East Region of India

Dr. Ananya Barman, Post-doctoral fellow, IASST , proposal entitled “Bioprospection of microbial metabolites of a tea rhizobacteria BTA27 for Tea (Camellia sinensis L Kuntze) blister blight control” under the Category 2 (PhD scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows )has been awarded the 2nd Position under the first call of BRTC Mapping the Change makers of North East Region of India. Dr. Ananya Barman was working with Dr. Debajit Thakur, Associate Professor, IASST.

Congratulations!!! Dr. Ananya Barman