मशरूम उत्पादन और वर्मीकम्पोस्ट केंद्र

Mushroom Demonstration Unit:

The mushroom demonstration unit was established on June in the year 2016. The unit is composed of an incubation chamber, a bag preparation chamber, a boiling set up and a straw storing shed. The area of the incubation chamber is 16 x14 x 12 ft (l x b x h).Approximately 200 no. of mushroom bags can be kept in the chamber. At present, seven (7) species of mushroom is cultivated in round the year. Out of these, 3 species are cultivated during April – September and other 4 during Oct –March. Approximately 2 quintal of mushroom is harvested every year. A spawn preparation unit is also set up in Environmental Biotechnological Laboratory, IASST for production of quality seed.  In this unit approximately 1000 packets of spawn (200g per packet) have been prepared annually. 550 packets have been distributed to the beneficiaries of Bakarapara and Kallapara and 150 packets sold to growers in the year 2019. Training programme on mushroom cultivation are also conducted. 5 training programmes were conducted till date and was attended by 60 beneficiaries and 16 students. The unit is also regularly visited by students and others visitors from various colleges, organizations and enterpreneurs.


For vermicompost preparation, 5 concrete and 2 tarpaulin constructed pits are there in the campus. The area of each pits is 16 x 6 x 10 ft (l x b x h) .Vermicompost can be prepared in these pits twice in a year. Approximately 8 tonne of compost is harvested from these pits annually. The produced vermicompost is applying in the flowers and fruit garden of the IASST campus and the remaining portions have been selling. It helps to generate an additional income to the institute.

A concrete base vermicomposting unit at IASST