फंक्शन्स एंड पावर ऑफ़ गवर्निंग कौंसिल

• The Governing Council shall be the highest executive body of IASST and shall carry out the objectives of IASST as set forth in its Memorandum of Association.
• The Governing Council shall be responsible for the organization, general superintendence, direction and control of the activities of IASST and shall exercise all such powers as required for these purposes.
• In furtherance of the objectives for which IASST is established, the Governing Council shall, inter-alia, exercise the following powers.
• To frame policies and strategies relating to achievement of the overall objectives and for efficient functioning of IASST.
• To constitute a Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) to advise and recommend in all matters relating to the research activities of IASST.
• To consider and approve programmes within the scope of the objectives of IASST
• To frame guidelines to enable IASST to take up and carry out contract/joint research, technology development, proof of concept, prototype sales, characterization, technology transfer, job work and consultancies involving academic/R&D institutions/industries (both national and international) and government departments/institutions.
• To frame guidelines to enable IASST to file, maintain, defend and exploit patents and other intellectual property rights (national and international).
• To authorize IASST to establish, maintain and manage facilities for the acquisition, storage, retrieval, dissemination, evaluation, scrutiny and interpretation of information relating to technology required for its programmes.
• To frame rules, regulations and bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of IASST including matters relating to its employees and to add, amend or rescind them from time to time with the approval of the Government.
• To obtain or accept, for IASST, grants, subscriptions, donations, funds, fees or charges, royalty, gifts and bequeaths from Central/State Government, Non-Government Organisations, Corporations (Private/Public), Foreign and International Agencies and Organizations, Trusts or any persons, subject to extant statutes, rules, instructions and guidelines.
• To authorize borrowal of funds from commercial banks and financial institutions for the purposes of IASST in accordance with the instructions of the Government issued from time to time. Such borrowings along with any interest thereon shall be paid from the revenue earnings of IASST.
• To approve creation and operation of funds for specific purposes consistent with the objectives of IASST.
• To authorize payments to meet the expenses of IASST
• To authorize acquisition by take over, purchase, gifts, exchange, lease or hire, or otherwise of movable or immovable properties, endowments or other funds and disposal of assets so acquired in accordance with objectives of the IASST.
• To approve construction, improvement, alteration, demolition or repair of buildings belonging to IASST.
• To create, abolish, upgrade or re-designate academic, technical, administrative and such other posts as may be considered necessary subject to the extant instructions of the Government and make appointments thereto in accordance with recruitment rules framed by IASST and Government instructions on the subject.
• To consider and approve against sanctioned vacant posts and subject to extant Government instructions, appointment(on promotion, deputation, direct recruitment or any other mode) of Professor I and above except the Director.
• Power to fix initial pay with up to 5 increments as in bye-law
• To approve the deputation abroad of the Director and other employees officers/staff of IASST
• To approve guidelines to outsource such services as necessary
• To constitute advisory bodies, committees and sub-committees as deemed fit.
• To delegate to its Chairperson such of its powers for the conduct of the business. Exercise of such powers shall be reported by the Chairperson at the next meeting of the Governing Council
• To delegate its powers to the Director or to any authority
• To consider and approve the Annual Report, the Annual Accounts and the Budget estimates of IASST for submission to the Government.
• To approve the institution of Chairs, Post Doctoral Fellowships, Research Scholarships, Research Fellowships/Associateship and awards and to approve schemes for payment of scholarship grants and stipends.
• To issue guidelines regarding and approve engagement of consultants, advisors, specialists and experts ( national/international) on contract and to approve grant of consultancy contract to academic institutions for carrying out specific activities subject to following conditions
a. Consultancy contract is resorted to only in a situation requiring higher quality services, for which IASST does not have the requisite expertise.
b. Provisions contained in rules 163 to 177 of GFRs, 2005 are complied with
• To approve schemes to reward the employees of IASST out of surplus revenues realized through technical activities.
• To consider grants to academic institutions subject to a limit of Rs. 20 lakhs per annum per institution
• To do all such acts and things as are incidental or conducive for the attainment of the objectives of IASST